Sunday, 03.01.2010, 227 km
After we said goodbye to all the other passengers, we are today followed a small trail to the main road. Then it was on mostly good tarmac road (from and to is not asphalted, but will soon be possible) towards Sudan. Of the Ethiopian plateau continued down to the border. Since we lost on the little slope so much time, we had to hurry to the end of the exit. We get the required stamps, money changed and are then entered on the bridge in the Sudan. Here we went on with paperwork. We had £ 13.75 S (Sudanese pounds - a CHF is about 2.3 S £) fee paid for the car and wait a long time. Because now the registration office was closed, we moved the registration to Khartoum and went into another 25 km into the night. We found a great thanks to GPS Bush Camp Place.
Monday, 04.01.2010, 255 km
Today we went first to Gedaref comfortable. There we bought one, exchanged money and then went to Mount Abu Khudud. There's a nice Bush Camp-Platz. Hugo took out his bow and sports we enjoyed the evening. On the way we met a few cars travel. Unfortunately, no one stopped to chat. One of them was a red Lucerne bush taxi, knows someone? We had to lay 300 km back to Khartoum -
Tuesday, 05.01.2010, 303 km
road trip. En route we saw two bush taxis (a dark - probably blue - and a white) from Germany and the Germans met with the tractor wiedermal. In the Blue Nile Sailing Club "and chatted with us quartered Jean Marc (radel Santander Frenchman on his way to Namibia) and Frank (radel Santander Dutchman on the way to Kenya).
Wednesday, 06/01/2010
Sudan is expensive - for the registration, we had to pay £ 105 S / person - and a long queue ... afternoon, we made clothes and lounged. In the evening the Germans arrived with the tractor. But tomorrow they will continue the same. make
Thursday, 07/01/2010
laundering and blog today were our main activities.
Friday, 08/01/2010
The French and the English are taking your kids to Luna Park and we are with Roy (a Scottish backpacker) and Jean-Marc the dancing dervishes went looking. Well, that's no mere tourist attraction, but Xenia stirred again by a German tour group (who are always so - says but one for Mrs "with sunglasses and these shoes but that is not authentic ..." - logical, that make real and serve for yourself and not for the tourists as a model!)
Saturday, 01/09/2010
The French and English are now towards Port Sudan begin. I was on the internet (finally again a good line) and Xenia washed.
Sunday, 01.10.2010, 207 km
for shopping we needed today is rather long (rush hour and looking for good stores). Therefore, we are only after two went out from the city. Always along the Nile (you see it is not) we went northward. After about 130 km, we are then bent to a small dirt road. In the temples of Nagaa we paid the entry of 20 S £ / person and made a bush camp. Finally wiedermal in the desert.
Monday, 01.11.2010, 137 km
In the morning we visited the temples of today Nagaa and the Lion Temple of Musawwarat. Here again we should pull the trigger 20S £ / person, but was after a long debate with the cashier £ 10 S content (we will only continue to say no ...). After we went back to the main road where we met John, Amy, and Marcel and family ( ). After a brief chat we went on to the Pyramids of Meroe. Here we are behind the pyramids on a hill and watching the sunset.
Tuesday, 01.12.2010, 221 km
After we had breakfast comfortably , we are down to the pyramids and they have looked at us. A few camel driver wanted to talk about the camel ride, but they accepted the first "No" and let us alone. After we are up on the tar road on Atbara. There we bought bread and vegetables in the souk, then drove over the new Nilbrücke west. Middle of the desert we found a nice place for a bush camp. So we could again enjoy the starry sky.
Wednesday, 13/01/2010, 268 km
on the new tarmac road we went on to Merowe. Here, too, hats, a new bridge over the Nile. We visited the ruins of the temple complex of Jebel Barkal and afterwards drove along the Nile towards Dongola. On the way we branched off into the wilderness for the next Bush Camp.
Thursday, 14.01.2010, 239 km
Next we went up to Dongola. Here we studied only the DHL office (our letter were then promt) and went afterwards to the "Hotel Almualim" because we were again a shower ...
Friday, 01.15.2010, 241 km
Night was awful ... Loud music from the disco below the hotel rooms and mattresses, which are located completely through, Then you could just as well sleep in a hammock. So quickly bought bread and out of the city. Again, best to tar and a new Nilbrücke. Along the Nile hats unfortunately millions of small flies, so we drive a few km away from the river to be a reasonably quiet Bush camp have.
Saturday, 01/16/2010, 198 km
The last stage in the Sudan desert. The road is to Wadi Halfa good and so we will soon arrive there. When we go in search of the Fährbüro through the village, we see three white seats in a restaurant and beckon us. So we join them and learn that Luca, the Italian, his Landy has already been sent and is waiting for the Wednesday ferry. The two Germans wait until they get their bikes on Sunday (Customs is today), to go further south. Mazar Mahir we learn with the group even know yet. It will help us with the shipment. In the evening we drive a little along the railroad tracks in the desert and make a few hills behind a bush camp. The Germans are here with the tractor in place and will go with us to Aswan (and the tractor with our bush taxi).
Sunday, 01/17/2010
rest day - we just sit around all day in the desert and do nothing.
Monday, 01/18/2010
Today Mazar booked our cabin and for that he needed our passports. So we drive into the village and take him to Luca together in the same restaurant. We chat a long time and evening drive back to our place back in the desert.
Tuesday, 19/01/2010
We want to know how the water transport processes occurring in again and go about the place. Right now what's going on. The ferry has arrived and is therefore very Halfa full of people. We Luca and Mazar midst of many travelers take in the restaurant. So there is an entertaining afternoon. We first fill out forms and talk a lot with the other travelers. There are a few backpackers and a couple of overland travel. Including two English women who want a Renault Espace to Cape Town ( ), Stefan, a German motorcyclist ( ), Isa and Hugo, two British Land Cruiser driver (HZJ 105 / cape town ) and two poles (with Land Cruiser, however, J80). We are glad to not have one of the hotels and going, for that evening back out into the desert.
Wednesday 20/01/2010
Promptly at eleven we were back in town today. As Mazar look first at twelve left, we were again much chatting with the other travelers. Then we went to the port where we left stamp passports, and in the reception building rumsassen. Eventually I was able to find the car of the Germans put the tractor on the barge. I closed everything and then went to the other according to the passenger ship. Xenia was waiting for me in the cab and we went to Luca's to the upper deck. It took a while, until the ship pulled away at about 18.00 clock. The ferry price a meal is included, so we went supper after sunset in the Dining Room for. To Ten we went to the cabin and just saw yet the temples of Abu Simbel pull over.
for ship transport and Mazars to help with the organization we paid nearly 500 $ U.S.. We'll see if the barge really with the vehicles on Saturday arriving in Aswan and we have to do with the notorious Egyptian bureaucracy all ...
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