Saturday, January 9, 2010

6-month-old Terrible Cough

Saturday, 12/12/2009, 202 km

we are welcoming today went to Addis Ababa. The road is paved and it has little bumps. From Mojo, traffic greatly and it started to rain too. Driving in the city in, was again a bit tedious, but with only a "victory lap" we found "Wim's Holland House" after all. Here we are at the center and secure. As the weather is damp and cold (even by Wim) we ate at the restaurant. In the evening we went to bed soon, because it is simply out to get uncomfortable.

Sunday, 13/12/2009

rest day - Xenia makes laundry, the kids have school, Marc repair damage to his cabin, Almu, Roman and I blog.

Monday, 12/14/2009

This morning Almu, Xenia, Marc, Roman and I rumgefahren with Santana. Only a representative Landy (Marc and Roman need spare parts) and then to the Egyptian Embassy. There we were a little late gabs and therefore only the information that we should have everything: passport, passport photo, money exchange certificate on the last name of the visa applicant denominated, the completed form and each 350 Birr (about 28 $ U.S.). So we went back to Wim's. Heading the Santana then lost a brake lining and so ran Xenia and I tried to Wim's and the rest to another Landy representative. I later went to ' "submit to a metal workshop, a Swiss, to make new brackets for my auxiliary lights. Xenia did laundry and read. Omar came in the evening (an Egyptian motorcyclists we met in Nairobi) and we went together to eat pizza. Karim, an employee of the Egyptian. Message, Omar visited then and so did a good contact to the embassy.

Tuesday, 15/12/1009

And again, this time for the exchange of cash receipts, message. Karim welcomed us warmly and suggested an Ethiopian restaurant in the evening to go. We gladly accept and look on the way back again Landy parts. Afternoon, we sit around, chatting with two South African motorcycle riders who are newly arrived and Xenia washed again ... In the evening we go down to ten men (Omar is already vorrausgefahren) by taxi to "Fasika National Restaurant and enjoy a typical dinner with Ethiopian food, music and dance. We are all invited by Karim and thank you profusely, of course.

Wednesday, 12/16/2009

Jo, Clo, Xenia and I have a headache. So we make a day of rest. I walk in between to Vonall to my lamp holders to collect. Harald and Pierette come from Switzerland (with bush taxi on the way home). But since they already want to be at home in mid-January, we will not go together. Roman and Marc are still looking for Landy parts. As they come back so late, we go back to Wim for pizza. It is still a party at the restaurant so we can sleep at night ... not 2 clock

Thursday, 12/17/2009

Harald Pierette and drove on at 6 clock. We leisurely breakfast and then go look for Roman Landy parts and I am looking for a garage to change differential oil. The first Toyota garage from the GPS map just want great service make the second and there's no (longer). So I search more and find something close to the Airport, the official representative of Toyota Addis. There I will receive friendly and can be part of the work. So we Setting rate diff oils, grease rotate the wheels off and still the same. Then I went to the Egyptian Embassy to get the passports and invite Karim and for the weekend for dinner. Xenia has been (perhaps?) Washed again. In the evening we cook together and go to bed soon. It is unfortunately a restless night, as Xenia has an upset stomach and every half hour to the toilet must.

Friday, 18/12/2009

Xenia sleeps all day. I do not much more ... With Marc and Jo still times I go shopping in the supermarket for. Roman is still looking for parts, and later he worked and Marc depending on their cars.

Saturday, 12/19/2009

Almu, Clo, Marc, Hugo, and Jo go to the museum. Xenia is still not fit, but washes again ... novel and later I blog and work on the cars (novel alternates diff oil and spring shackles, I Change only the air filter).

Sunday, 12/20/2009

shopping day - We are gearing up for their onward journey. In the afternoon Daina meet and Robin (the light Steiner, who we met in Botswana before, ) a. You drove the Turkanaroute and there is plenty to chat.

Monday, 21/12/2009

Again a day of shopping. We buy stocks last for the next track. Roman goes to "Vonall" around the leaking tank to welding. Dinner this evening by Wim and there is a long night with lots of beer and blather. Tomorrow we head further north at last. Let's see what a place for our Christmas Find ...


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