Monday, January 17, 2011

Caribbean Cruise Scam Letters

Spring in January?

What we had but the last time for a Schittwetter. Frost, dew, frost, was the alternate. The snow disappeared or been to the ice surface. Which was not enough, it rained too every now and then.
Since yesterday it has become spring-like warm. Around 13 ° and 35 ° in the sun rich wall of the house. With short sleeves holds the garden cleaned up and enjoyed the playful dogs.
The such had fun together. But they were good three weeks separated from bed and board * lol *. because Cosima has completed its first heat;)

slowly melts the ice at the pond then get

Do not be wet paws :-)

can finally Beethoven Cosima again really einsauen

Indispensable Ball garnix

Cosima And the ever-Second

never caught the ball * laugh *

but a good follower trainirt

is suddenly spotted by a walker and started the long side of the fence at full speed

Well, who's says then! Cosi happy with Balli. After I gave her extra thrown the Second

small Schmafou enjoy the sun

and throws up a pose;)

played through good times and we love to stay for a photo sitting

A few snapshots of Cosima. Exactly to the day she is already a year in our Animal Family

passed Too quickly the time. That was only yesterday, right? ;)


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