Sunday, August 16, 2009

Vintage Home Stereo Tuner

08/16/2009 Baltic Sea coastal route: Arrived in Tallinn (Estonia) - The hair has

After 10 days and 850 miles on the bike we enjoy now arrived in the capital of Estonia and us a rest day today! As fate would have it, it also poured down with rain, so that cycling is not really fun would have done - well designed by us ;-)

Lättische wilderness

The balance sheet date :

  • has been only one disk, but also a broken gear shift (Air Baltic thanks be!) and virtually no bike shops! Yeah ...
  • 8 days sunshine, 1 day 24 hours of rain, 1 day a bit of both
  • 3x camp, including 2x in nature
  • 1 million incomprehensible words - speaking Estonians one getting used to language, and the question of whether she is English answer most of them speak with a simple "No" and hang up.

In an Estonian wool factory - in this case, time has stood still remained ...
  • Super Beautiful scenery and very few tourists - with the exception of Tallinn, which is the Bravo of the Finns.
  • favorite car of Latvians: Audi 80
  • favorite car Estonians: Japanese SUVs
  • Paved roads in Latvia: 50%
  • Paved roads in Estonia: 90%

signs in Latvia: 0.1% (the only bike path sign across the country - and that too completely unmotivated and useless somewhere in the woods and precious tree in the wrong direction pointing)
  • signs in Estonia: 100%
  • Internet coverage in Latvia & Estonia: 100% - even in service stations and Ferry is WIFI. Is only of nothing without a laptop ;-)
  • number of laundries in the Baltics: 2 (the One needs a week - the other costs 50 €)
  • With our new bass role, we are the stars! - Thanks to the Business Analyst :-)
morning we start with a big ferry to Helsinki and comfortable ride from there to Turku. From there are some more (again with the ferry) to Stockholm and then as far as your tires and enough time to Copenhagen ...


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