Monday, September 15, 2008

Buddy Cake Bossfondants

Disc ...

We said goodbye and headed by Milorad Marijana anticipate the direction Disc
The closer we got, the more difficult, our heart. We had no idea what awaited us there.
Since we were all pretty much done with, we decided not the usual nerve-wracking way to take over the highway, but cross over the bridge to Krk and from there by ferry to Lopar / Rab.
silently and remain in our thoughts, we drove across the island after Banjol, our goal.
We had information that all the personal things, like keys, etc. are available at the reception. So stop the first place.
Mira received us very cordially, gave us the key and his cell phone. The last 50 yards we had to unverhohlt the prying eyes of other tourists to travel there. This Gestarre we have suffered the whole stay. We made our
Womo behind the trailer and were amazed that this was all already dismantled. Our Dutch neighbors welcomed us warmly and even a well-known Croatian couple joined us. We learned that our immediate neighbors, after the trailer was open two days after the accident, she packed up everything and closed and gave the key to the front desk. Thank you for it!

Then I took the key and went inside. Norbert
Oh .... all were You. Your shaving in the bathroom, your shoes, your glasses ...
Marijana first sent me resolutely outside and began to pack all the stuff together. I asked her to throw away anything, someday I'll arrange it all and we will decide what to keep.

Thank Marjana, I would not have done it.

heard in the next 2 days we different versions of the accident. But none of the versions told us how Norbert could fall out of the boat. Especially not from the standpoint of where he was supposed to. Jumped in himself? Never when the gear was loaded at the time. He was an old boat man and always knew what he was doing. This does not fit.

One version says that Norbert allegedly suffered on that day from nausea and heart problems and had also visited the doctor on the island. I went after. I went with Marjana to Doc, we know for a long time with him and his family went out, we are already on our boat. Each year we visited him. Only this time I came without Norbert.
He was very shaken by the whole story. He told us that Norbert would be on the afternoon before his death was with him and they had a nice chat. My question about nausea and heart problems, he took off with a smile. Norbert would have felt very well and would have been a satisfied feeling. Heart trouble not sure if he had and he would have looked very healthy. But he called himself again in the Pathology Department in Rijeka as well as emergency room doctor who examined Norbert on Rab. No evidence of coronary disease, no alcohol, good physical condition. It would have surprised me, he has done a lot for his fitness and drove for some time, regular exercise.

As if in a trance I experienced the next talks with police and undertaker. It was necessary certificates and documents to collect. But what was
people may say, one repeated again and again, that this accident would be very mysterious and the investigations were forwarded to Zagreb. In any case, we get not possible to look at witness statements, etc..
Marjana and I look after the explanation of what happened there, in vain. Clarified with the Director of things to come, and much more.
Sabine took care of the administrative things and to the transfer. Thanks Sabine and without you I / we would have been lost.
Jerome and Sabrina took care of it the trailer to winterize. Just as Norbert always done. Norbert you were very proud of your son. In many ways he is more like you. But you were proud of him, we know that way.

The little Alessa made sure that our mood was not too cloudy. She beamed with the sun to the bet.

After two days stay, we had managed to drive home we could. went and with our now 3-convoy (Jerome and Sabrina drove our car) to Marjana after Metlika Slovenia. There relaxed at Marjana home one day. Enjoyed the beautiful view over the vineyards and were amazed at the beauty of this small country.

Then we started on the way home ...


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