Monday, April 26, 2010

Spells To Help To Transform Into A Dragon

25.4.10 Ruhr Valley Cycle Route - Stage 2: Mintard - Duisburg

Part 1: The Ruhr

Section 2: Mintard to Duisburg
(total 35 km, journey time approximately 2 hours)

of stages - Art from the water tower Styrum / Mühlheim

After we had the first stage due to lack of availability of hotel rooms expansion continues as planned, the second stage was quite relaxed: It took only a few miles to ride to Duisburg.

But even these were few kilometers packed with highlights: So we visited the castle in Mülheim as well as the water tower Styrum. Highly recommended! Particularly great, the view from water tower throughout the Ruhr! The water tower otherwise includes a water museum.

water tower Styrum / Mühlheim

And the view from the water tower on the castle Styrum

few miles we were allowed to enter Duisburg arrived! Also, this tour is ausgeschildet exemplary and runs almost always in quiet ways to the green. Often you wonder where is the Ruhr area actually! Only now and then to the left and right appear the way residential and industrial facilities.

airport architecture from Duisburg!

no one should miss a trip to Duisburg in the largest inland port in the world! Although it lasts 2 hours, but this time you should take. Due to the time the ship sails from not very often, therefore, informed in advance of the departure times:

industry in the Port of Duisburg

And those ships are found in the Port of Duisburg ...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Honor Switching Adaptor

24.4.10 Ruhr Valley Cycle Route - Section 1: Schwerte - Mintard

Part 1: The Ruhr

Section 1: Schwerte to Mintard
(total 107.68 km, journey time approx 5.58 hours)

of stages - Art from the water tower Styrum / Mühlheim

The cycling season is open! Welcome back!

Unfortunately the weather this year is really more than bad. It just will not be spring. Therefore, we thought: Let's start this year with a tour that is right outside the front door. If the weather does not play, no matter we are quickly back in Cologne.

So we have decided to bicycle the Ruhr valley bicycle path.

signs of the Ruhr Valley Cycle Route

said than done, now we were sitting in the Regional Express to sword. Well, what's sword? The Ruhr Valley cycle route starts at the clock source in Winterberg in Sauerland and flows into the Rhine at Duisburg. And sword lies exactly in the middle.

Granted to start in the middle is a bit bent. Frankly we were not really convinced of this cycle (which is eh -? a bike path in the Ruhr somehow sounds a Bike path in the Ruhr region not to rest, fresh air and nature). And as swords and Duisburg were easiest to reach from Cologne with the RE, we decided the first step in the middle of the Ruhr Valley cycle track to begin ...

In just one hour we were then spanked the middle of nature! Incredibly, it was possible the Ruhr area, a 220 km long strip along the Ruhr always preserve nature. What we have also learned: The Ruhr valley bicycle path was already chosen for the cycle route of the year! Now we know why: The paths run all over followed by an idyllic village with half-timbered houses, a lake to the next, full of old industrial culture. And since it's the year of the cultural capital Ruhr 2010, there are at every corner interesting exhibitions and museums.

All right, so we are starting in Schwerte. Not be distracted by the absolutely rotten station or the bachelor party celebrating stock drunken young people (note, we got about 9 clock in the morning in sword!), But straight towards the Ruhr! After 5 km, the first highlight: Watch House, a former moated castle.

How idyllic ... The house watch!

The landscape is really impressive. And the best, far and wide, nothing going on! We ride almost all the time completely alone in the woods ... Past Hengsteysee that looks at first glance by the powerful pump storage power plant of RWE little clunky, the number of grebes a then show it again: Somehow, the world is here (again) in order. In many places it is striking: The Ruhr was renatured complex in recent years. It was worth it in every case.

Hengsteysee - beautiful, were it not for the somewhat clunky pumped storage plant of RWE ...

After a few miles following the Herdecker railway viaduct equal to the nearest lake: The Harkotsee. At the end of Harkotsees worth a detour the moated castle Werdringen (6 km return). Do not give up: the rise and the dreary street seen through an industrial area at first sight is not inviting, but the palace cafe compensates everything!

Wasserschloß Werdringen

Wasserschloß Werdringen // water castle
reflections in the water lock

continues through endless Ruhrauen. Worth a stop in one of the numerous mines. We looked at the Zeche Nachtigall Witten, is located on the road. Besides, there are way too delicious sausages and white bread:))

And already we came to another lake: the lake Kemnader! Past Hattingen and lock Horst (* lol *) next to the Ruhr lowlands along Baldeneysee! And here we wanted to return it. What struck us then, however: In general, it is recommended to reserve a room in good weather to. So we had to ride, neither are still in Kettwig there was a hotel room. In the idyllic village Mintard it went well at last. And we were rewarded with a delicious meal in the restaurant Hoppler (See restaurant recommendation)!

All in all a highly recommended bike route! Slopes remain at this stage is limited. The trails are all well marked and prepared perfectly. Either it goes along well-maintained forest trails, but mostly on bike paths directly from the Ruhr. Not even one is redirected to busy roads. Further recommendations at the end of the entry! Stage 2,3 and 4 are already ready to ride and be immortalized in the next few days!

on the entire Ruhr valley bicycle path will find an almost solicitous signs!

details on routes traveled are on the right found under the menu item "Map" and "tour dates"!

Recommendable cycling guide:
Since the Bike Line "Ruhr Valley Cycle Route" is sold out and the support has been a few years under his belt this time we have the tour book ADAC Ruhr Valley Cycle Route (2010 edition). Used. Highly accurate maps and detailed descriptions of the routes. There are few but good hotel for recommendations. ausgwewählt carefully so are the restaurants.

In general, the most exemplary Ruhr Valley Cycle Route signs! It is therefore possible to completely get along without maps. One recognizes the Ruhr valley bicycle path for cyclists on a white colored background (see the beginning of the article).

Restaurant Recommendation:
Country House Hoppler offers exceptional cuisine at fair rates. Moreover, the staff is more than attentive. Recommended!
cottage Hoppler, August - Thyssen - Straße 123, 45481 Mülheim / Ruhr (Mintard)